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XnView 1.91.2
  日期:2007-8-1     来源:网络
 一个图像浏览器和多媒体播放器,它能够支持大约400种文件格式.XnView同时还支持动画gif、多页 面tiff、多图像图标以及mpeg、avi、wav、aiff和Quicktime格式的文件.此外,XnView还具有浏览器、幻灯片、屏幕捕捉、缩 略图制作、批处理转换、十六进制浏览、拖放、通讯录、扫描输入等功能.该软件支持43种语言,并能够在 Linux/FreeBSD/Irix/Solaris/HP-UX/AIX等操作系统中使用.

下载:XnView 1.91.2 Lite(2.50 MB)
下载:XnView 1.91.2 Standard (5.21 MB)
下载:XnView 1.91.2 Full(11.3 MB)

* Remove metadata
* AIPD National Instruments format added
* option to show file size in bytes
* 'Add to favorties' in tree menu
* PDF multi page in 'Scan into'
* Added info for Addon in 'Plugin info'
* videos can be used in contact sheet
* comment and all fields for Search
* Option to open or not a view for each files (startup & drag-drop)
* 'Print size' column in detail mode
* Black&white point saved
* New layout
* xnview.ini, colors for folder thumbnail (FolderColor1, FolderColor2, FolderColor3, FolderColor4 in browser section)
* custom folder for other files (Option/Integration)
* Categories dialog to set categories for a file or filelist
* Artrage files, support of LargePreview chunk
* NoWIA added for .ini to disabled WIA
* -capture=window to capture actiev window

* rewrited the code for Susie plugin, no more need of Xsusie.dll
* Description & edit comment are now in only 1 dialog (browser)
* ONE option for transparent index & alpha in menu
* Drag&Drop tagged files if exists, else selected files

* Problem of alpha/transparency with 'not fit'
* favorites order
* pixels/Percent in Resize
* crash normalize
* Similar dialog
* Problem with some 8bf plugins
* Problem with Alt+PrtScreen in 16bits
* Bug in tooltips details mode
* Problem selection ratio
* Problem 'Fit to desktop' & zoom
* Problem with PTLENS 8bf plugin
* Large text truncated in slide .exe
* Some layout problem with 'maximize on start'
* Property panel show now the good bits depth
* view mode slow on open
* NConvert
* Save or jpeg lossless on hidden files
* resize dialog problem
* jpeg lossless on folder
* Rename dialog, space in replace is not kept
* Problem with Flaming Pear's freebie plugins
* Bad focus in save dialog
* Print problem with multi page file
* Bad display of EXIF orientation
* Problem with multiples print of same pages
* Copy/Move dialog, can't create folder on desktop
* View fullscreen & animated gif => flickering
* Crash with jpeg2000
* GPS info
* Embedded comment with special characters
* Gamma & alpha channel problem
* Slideshow on second monitor with different screen size
* WEB, Recreate jpeg files

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