Sumatra PDF是一款开源的PDF阅读器,它的功能极度精简,速度很快。此软件免费、小巧,只有一个执行文件。若你只是看看PDF电子文档,不需要其它的什么功能,这款软件还是不错的。
0.8.1 (2008-05-27):
- automatic reloading of changed PDFs (contributed by William Blum)
- tex integration (contributed by William Blum)
- uPDAted icon for case-sensitivity selection in find (contributed by Sonke Tesch)
- language change is now a separate dialog instead of a menu
- remember more settings (like default view)
- automatic checks for new versions
- add command-line option -lang $lang
- add command-line option -print-dialog (contributed by Peter Astrand)
- ESC or single mouse click hIDEs selection
- fix showing boxes in table of contents tree
- translation uPDAtes