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CCleaner 2.01.507
  日期:2007-9-29     来源:网络

CCleaner是一款免费的系统优化和隐私保护工具.主要用来清除Windows系统不再使用的垃圾文件,以腾出更多硬盘空间.它的另一大功能是清除使 用者的上网记录.CCleaner的体积小,运行速度极快,可以对临时文件夹、历史记录、回收站等进行垃圾清理,并可对注册表进行垃圾项扫描、清理.附带 软件卸载功能.同时支持IE、Firefox、Oprea等.免费使用,不含任何间谍软件和垃圾程序.支持包括简体中文在内的31国语言界面!

- Fixed bug where some IE Temporary files were not removed.
- Fixed bug with IE7 Recently Typed URLs cleaning.
- Fixed C++ exception on Desktop shortcut scanning.
- Installer now works on 64-bit OS Recycle Bins menus.
- Optimized IE Temp files cleaning speed.
- Improved index.dat cleaning on XP.
- Fixed Registry Cleaner as "Fix All" sometimes wouldn't work.
- Keyboard shortcuts now work correctly in Registry section.
- Files winsys.ini and winreg.ini are now embedded in the EXE.
- Fixed bug where Autoupdate check could cause an exception.
- Fixed minor bug in restoring screen position and size.
- Lots of internal improvements to reliability and speed.
- Minor UI tweaks.

下载:CCleaner 2.01.507

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