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Http File Server(HFS) v2.2a Build 137
  日期:2007-9-29     来源:网络

如果您觉得架设FTP Server太麻烦,那么这个软件可以提供您更方便的档案传输系统,下载后无须安装.运行主程序,在“虚拟文件系统”窗格下按鼠标右键,即可新增/移除文件夹.或者直接将欲加入的档案拖曳至此窗口,便可架设完成个人 HTTP 文件服务器.可以选择将设置保存在注册表或者INI文件.有趣的软件,仔细研究,或许你会爱不释手.

Version 2.2 - build #120 新特性:
★目录下载: 一键下载整个目录

Http File Server (HFS) is an easy to use drag and drop file server for personal file sharing. It runs as a standalone executable and does not require any installation. The program is very easy to use, just drag a file into it to share it with the world. You can customize the port it is running on, specify the IP address and monitor connections from the tray icon. HFS presents the shared files on a simple HTML page, that includes the file name and size. With some HTML knowledge, you can completely customize the HTML template to meet your preference. HFS can also integrate into Windows Explorer, allowing you to easily share files from the right-click menu.

Download and upload
Virtual file system
Highly customizable
HTML template
Bandwidth control
Easy/Expert mode
Full control over connections
Dynamic DNS updater

Version 2.2a
[汉化修正] "替换模版" 更名为 "使用不同模版" , 还有一些小的汉化修正...
[修正] 在加密目录内使用另一个用户加密子目录将无法访问[修正] 偶然的URL编码错误(//)
[修正] 保存文件系统对话框报错
[修正] AV升级
[修正] 一些文件无图标
[修正] 添加文件到实目录中不再重名
[修正] "自动隐藏空文件夹" 效率低下


下载:Http File Server(HFS) v2.2a Build 137


上一篇:CCleaner 2.01.507
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